Slow Cooker Chilli Con Carne - Liana's Kitchen

how do you make chilli con carne in a slow cooker

how do you make chilli con carne in a slow cooker - win

120kg -> 79.8kg and that isn't nearly the biggest change I've made

Before (eg from 15/7/14 I started to change) 120.7kg

After 15/12/15 79.8kg

Height 171cm

Body Fat Before ~50% according to bodyfat scales After – 15.8%
Diet - I kept it simple, 500 below maintenance using whole unprocessed foods.
A typical day would look like this
Meal 1 - Home made protein bar
Meal 2 - Tuna Protein Roll
Meal 3 - Fruit/salad smoothie with a scoop of protein
Meal 4 - Cous cous with tuna
Meal 5 - Beef curry with stir fried veg
On other days when I haven't done 1000 calories worth of exercise like I had that day it would be more like
Meal 1 - Home made protein bar
Meal 2 - Tuna protein roll
Meal 3 - Chilli con carne, stir fried veg and 6 eggs
I make a few meals up in advance, all can be done in a slow cooker, all super simple. Chilli, bolognese type sauce, curry, savoury mince etc. I then portion them up and freeze. That way when I come home after a hard day all i have to do is basically put my own version of a microwave meal in the microwave and prepare my fresh veggies to go with. On days when I can afford the extra calories I will sling a load of eggs in as well.
Its nothing out of the norm, just good, minimally processed whole foods to make everything and then conveniently portioned up.
Exercise - Varied over the 18 months, started out with 5x5 and a bunch of walking now I destroy myself on the stairmill and lift upper lower split.
Specifics around routine.
First 6 months was the traditional 5x5 model
StrongLifts 5x5 Week 1 Monday - Squat 5x5, Bench 5x5, Barbell row 5x5 Wednesday - Squat 5x5, OHP 5x5, Deadlift 1x5 Friday - Squat 5x5, Bench 5x5, Barbell row 5x5
Week 2 Monday - Squat 5x5, OHP 5x5, Deadlift 1x5 Wednesday - Squat 5x5, Bench 5x5, Barbell row 5x5 Friday - Squat 5x5, OHP 5x5, Deadlift 1x5
I would also do 15 minutes of HIIT cardio after every lifting session and more often than not I would swim on the off days Tuesday and Thursday. However it was very gentle swimming more for stretching and recovery than additional cardio as such.
After the first 6 months I ran the same above but I adapted it a little and added in some accessories, curls and ab work mostly as they were the parts that seemed to be lacking.
Now I run something of my own design that I've slowly developed and tweaked over the last 4 months or so. Its a heavy workload but I've found it works for me so far, strength and mass is up and bodyfat has remained around the same. I've called it Strypertrophy LUCLU because its both strength and hypertrophy based on following the uppelower protocol different days. I use my Wednesday for stretching and intense cardio. You'll notice the lack of deadlifts, I do do them on my second lower day fairly often, however I squat more so...
As for me and my story the video is obviously above but further to that....
Crikey, where to start. In July 2014 I landed up in hospital with severe abdominal pains after vomiting some blood. My body, ravaged from alcoholism and drug addiction that got progressively worse over a 15 year period decided to push back. When I got into hospital my resting hr was rarely below 100, I weighed 120kg + and my cholesterol was measured at 21, yes 21, it should be less than 5. I would get out of breath just walking across the room. Hell I basically didn't leave my bed there in those last few weeks to do anything but visit the toilet and that was literally a huge challenge everyday. I was drinking upwards of 6000 calories a day and as many as 60-80 units and the weight and misery kept piling on.
I was broken, physically, mentally and spiritually broken. Lying in that hospital that night I realised that I didn't want to die, that no matter how bad a person I thought I was or how bad a person I thought I had been, nobody deserved to die on their knees. It was 2 days later after a rough couple of days detox before I could even face food but when I did I entered it into a popular fitness app for the first time. I had made the decision whilst lying there in fear of death for some time that I had to change and the best way I know to change is to get up and do something about it there and then, not next month, not next week, right now.
I left hospital a few days later practically detoxed from alcohol, I was still suffering some sweats and shakes occasionally but for all intents and purposes just being mindful over my food choices in those early days, in a hospital setting, had me feeling better.
It was strange really, I had come to a place in my life many times where I resolved to quit, I made grand promises and I really believed them. One more try though was always rapidly followed by one more failure. This time though something just felt different and I think it was because I really believed myself when I told myself I wanted to change. You see I would lie to myself all the time and everyone else for that matter. I was dishonest, cowardly, manipulative, malicious and vile on a daily basis and it was all for the stupidest of reasons, because I thought that was who I was supposed to be.
It’s been more than just the weight loss for me as you can probably tell. I have fundamentally changed as a person, I’ve found help from a local addiction service, a fellowship community and my self awareness has been dialled in. I try to treat everybody the best I can, not judge, be honest and remember where I came from everyday now and life is infinitely easier. Anxiety is down, self confidence is up.
So I was out of hospital, all set with my goal in mind of getting to 15% bodyfat and itching to go running or any number of things. However I had strict instructions from the doctors when leaving the hospital to take it slowly, I was told no more than 1 mile a day walking for at least a month to start with such was the physical trauma I’d put my body through it would have been ill advised to run before I could walk so to speak. So that’s what I did, I started out walking ramping it up week on week, towards the end of the month I was doing about 5 miles a day and hiked up a local landmark without pause something I couldn’t have done for at least 5 years prior when I attempted to get sober. 2 months in I did a 21 mile walk for meningitis.
After about 6 weeks I was down about 10kilos already. I joined a gym and started out using 5x5 on my phone, I had dipped in and out of weight rooms at times but never taken it seriously at all so I dropped all of my ego about the place and started with a beginner strength program. I felt getting the basics right before anything else was the way for me to go. I ran that for about 6 months in which time I got myself below 100 kilos for the first time in a little over ten years. The next 6 months I ran a variation of 5x5, just a few lifts added into the mix for all intents and purposes rather than anything radical. During these 6 months my weight began to fall off a lot slower, it seemed my body was pretty sweet with being around 97 kilos, even more so around 80kg when I hit that. I guess that change in pace was a hurdle for me. I was so used to seeing the weight come off in greater increments it shook me for a while, I started to doubt myself and my choices became sloppy again. Nevertheless I kept up my training throughout and when I haven’t lost weight I’ve seemed to gain muscle, sometimes I just stay the same and then one week it all seems to come at once.
These days I don’t monitor the scale so closely, I use it as a rough guide but the mirror and photos tell me more now. However I am aboute to strip right down to 10% or less and see just how bad my loose skin situation is going to be. Ultimately I am not finished, not by a long shot, I feel I will always seek to gradually improve every aspect of my being, this is who I am now, its who I always was deep down.
My life now is infinitely improved, my resting heart rate is in the mid 40's, my cholesterol was 2 point something on the last check, my cardio health has improved dramatically, I'm stronger, faster than I have ever been and all my bloods have returned to safe ranges. The mental shift has probably been the bigger one though, I can hand on heart say I am trying every day to be a better man and I am eternally grateful to all those who helped me and ever more pleased to be able to give something back. I have a debt I owe for where I am today and I intend to repay it in full.
I guess to summarise its been more than the weight loss, I have fundamentally changed as a person and I no longer despise myself. The weight room has been a reminder for me that the more I put into anything the more I get out and that’s how I start my day. In the weight room pushing myself to the absolute limit because I tend to find whatever comes at me later in the day, after a hard workout its somehow more manageable.
If this video reaches even 1 other person trapped as I was then it will have served its primary purpose.
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24 Pieces Of Essential Advice That Every New Student Should Follow

  1. "Learn to cook. Even if it's just pasta and pesto and frozen veggies. I lived off pizza and ramen noodles the first year and it was the worst both for my weight and overall health."
  2. "Don't buy a cookbook, even though you'll have countless student cookbooks marketed at you. Waste of money and lugging energy. Everything you need is online, and often the comments posted are very useful!"
  3. "Invest in a slow cooker (Tesco Direct do one for £14) and learn to cook a few basic cheap meals. My go-to uni meal was a simple chilli con carne that consisted of mince, onions, tinned chopped tomatoes, tinned beans, and chilli powder served with baked potatoes or boiled rice. It would feed four of us for just a couple of pounds."
  4. "Make sure you get the top shelf in the fridge! If you have a flatmate that never throws away rotting food, you won't want their fridge juice dripping on yours!"
  5. "If you're a scruncher, learn how to be a folder, because no one likes the dick who clogs the toilet and uses up all the toilet roll – that shit's expensive."
  6. "DON’T BUY BOOKS! Most universities have a massive library and will have multiple copies of core textbooks for each course/module. If you REALLY want to buy a book, have a look at the ones suggested by lecturers in the library first."
  7. "If you're commuting, photocopy the pages from a book you'll need so you don't have to lug too many everywhere you go!"
  8. "Don't feel like you have to throw yourself into every social event that your new friends/roomies are attending. If you don't feel comfortable or up for an event, there is no rule demanding you to attend."
  9. "As corny as it sounds, college is a time to take risks. Be brave, and you won't regret it, I promise."
  10. "Join societies! These are extremely important as they are a great way to meet people that genuinely share the same interests as you, as well as provide evidence to future employers that you actually spent time developing skills outside of study."
  11. "Honestly, and it will sound so lame, but do your assignments/projects when you're actually set-up them, because time creeps up on you and trust me, leaving it to the last minute is just the worst."
  12. "Call your loved ones, even if you don't feel the need. The transition to college can be harder on your family than you, as was the case with mine."
  13. "Laundry: Learn. How. To. Do. Your. Own. Yours sincerely, Your Mom Xxx"
  14. "Use protection. Every single time. STIs suck."
  15. "If staying in halls, get a good mattress protector – uni mattresses are never very comfortable."
  16. "A tip from a university administrator: Be friendly and polite to us. We will always help you no matter what, but we will go that extra mile for a student who is nice to us. And talk to us if you need help. We get it – most of us have been students, and we know sometimes you need a helping hand."
  17. "Don't go home every weekend if you go to college close to home. It will make you miserable and hate college because you're not getting involved because you aren't doing social things on the weekends. Stay focused on being in college and adapting to a new life."
  18. "You are going to want to quit about once a term, and that's OK. Just don't actually do it. Rant or cry about it to family or friends then carry on."
  19. "You don’t have to force yourself to be friends with your flatmates. I felt like a failure because I didn’t get on with them, but in reality they were horrible and discriminative people. I coped more when I distanced myself from them."
  20. "Don't put any pressure on yourself – you cannot will yourself to enjoy things you don't, you can't do everything, and you can only do your best, so just do you and you'll have a blast."
  21. "Remember you are only at uni for limited time so fuck it if anyone has anything negative to say to you."
  22. "Remember that everyone is in the exact same position. Everyone is new and nervous and doesn't know their way around."
  23. "Don't worry if university isn't immediately the 'best time of your life' that everyone promised it would be! I really struggled with anxiety and depression, and it was a really hard time for me. But stick with it: My final year of university was by far the best because I finally found the people I was meant to be with all along, and I would do all of it again for that final year."
  24. "Making friends doesn't happen immediately. I know this is where you're supposed to make your best friends, but don't worry if it takes you a little time to make some friends. Everyone is lonely at first, but your real friends will show up eventually."
Link to article
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how do you make chilli con carne in a slow cooker video

Slow & Low Chilli Con Carne  Jamie Oliver - YouTube Slow Cooker Chili - YouTube Crockpot Chili Recipe: Slow Cooker Chili  Slow Cooker ... Slow Cooked Texas Style Chili Con Carne - YouTube Homemade Slow Cooker Chili - YouTube How to Make Chili with the Power Cooker - YouTube Slow Cooker Chili Recipe: Beef Chili Colorado - YouTube British chilli con carne  how to make chili con carne ... Chili Con Carne in Ninja Foodi Full Recipe - YouTube Quite Simply the Tastiest Slow Cooker Chili Con Carne you ...

You can make slow cooker chilli con carne without browning the mince, but I like to as it adds a delicious meaty, caramelised depth of flavour. Add all the other ingredients to the slow cooker pot and stir well. Cook on the low heat setting for about 6 hours, or as per your slow cooker’s instruction manual. STEP 1. Set the slow cooker to low. Heat 1½ tbsp oil in a large, non-stick pan over a high heat and fry the mince for 10-12 mins or until evenly browned. Tip into the slow cooker. STEP 2. Heat the remaining oil in the pan. Fry the onion, celery and pepper for 10 mins or until softened. Place the mince in a frying pan over medium heat, and cook until evenly brown. Dice the onion and red pepper and place in a pan on the stove (or the slow cooker pot directly if using a sear and stew type) with 1 tbsp of oil, add the mince beef and stir through well to separate the meat. Add in the oregano, coriander and spices and cook until the meat is browned. Transfer to the slow cooker. If I double it will it fit in a 5 quart slow cooker? (I am asking because your directions say to put in a 6 quart slow cooker, but the recipe says it only makes 2 1/12 quarts of chili). I need to make this for a large group so definitely need to double, just want to make sure it will fit in my slow cooker if I do. Transfer to slow cooker. To the slow cooker, add the crumbled bacon, tomatoes with chiles, chicken broth or water, beans, garlic, chili powder, cumin, oregano, chipotle chili powder, thyme, and coriander. Cover and cook on LOW for 8 to 10 hours or HIGH for 4 to 5 hours. The beef should be falling apart and tender. Instructions. Add all the ingredients to the slow cooker pot and stir to combine. Set off on low for 6 to 8 hours, or high for 3 hours. If the sauce is too thin after the cook time leave the lid off for a further 20 - 30 minutes, or stir in 1 to 2tbsp of beef gravy granules. Chilli con carne slow cooker recipe instructions Brown ground beef in frying pan and place drained cooked beef in the crockpot. 2. Add chili beans, tomato paste, tomato sauce, salt & pepper. This chili is so easy to make, the slow cooker does most of the work! Here’s how you’ll prepare it: Saute aromatics, add to slow cooker: Heat olive oil in a large and deep non-stick skillet over medium-high heat. Add onion and saute 3 minutes, then add garlic and saute 30 seconds longer. Pour onions into a 6 or 7 quart slow cooker (I have several and prefer this one HERE). Pour all of the tomato sauce and diced tomatoes into the slow cooker. Add the chili powder and cinnamon to the other ingredients. Pour the water over everything and stir until everything is mixed. Put the lid on the slow cooker, set it on low, and let it cook for at least 4 hours.

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Slow & Low Chilli Con Carne Jamie Oliver - YouTube

Bite-sized chunks of beef in a thick and rich, mahogany-colored sauce make this delicious slow cooker chili recipe irresistible. There are no beans in this r... This classic beef recipe is so ridiculously good that making chilli con carne with minced meat will never be the same again. To create such an incredibly te... There is nothing better after a long days work to come back to a Chilli and Rice Dish, This is our Slow Cooker Chilli Con Carne recipe, it takes 8 hours and ... For Visually Impaired, Recipe is also spoken. As a way to honor group members who post detailed posts of what they cook, I turn them into videos. Its a gr... Visit my merch store here - Visit my U.K amazon shop here - Visit my U.S amazo... Homemade crockpot chili recipe! Just throw your ingredients in the Slow Cooker in the morning and have a hot Slow Cooker chili meal ready for dinner! If you ... My recipe for homemade Slow Cooker Chili. The measurements below are for a full 7 Quart Slow Cooker. If you have a smaller one, adjust the ingredients to a... This Slow Cooker Chili is one of my all time most popular recipes and for good reason! This is the best chili around and a long time family favorite! It's th... Watch Chef Eric Theiss make one of your favorite, feel-good foods in minutes with the Power Cooker. This easy, one-pot meal will win over your entire family ... In this video I make a spicy Texas style chili con carne. A couple hrs in the pot and thats that! Of course this isn't your everyday chili, but theres a mill...

how do you make chilli con carne in a slow cooker

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